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Are my funds any good? Find out now.

Selected Funds

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To begin, start typing the name of one of your funds in the box above.

As you type, a list of funds will appear. Click on your fund.

You can select up to 20 funds, one at a time.

When you’ve selected all your funds, simply fill in your name and email address and click “Get Report”.

  • We will instantly send your personal FundScore Report.
  • You can immediately judge your funds and see if you can do better.
  • FundScore is a powerful but simple tool we developed to help investors just like you.

Don’t take our word – Listen to our members

Capital Risk: The value of funds and the income from them can fall as well as rise as a result of market or currency fluctuations, and you may not get back the amount originally invested.  Past performance is not a guide to future performance.  Please ensure that you read the Key Features and full product literature (on the pages after the applications) before choosing to make an investment. In particular, some funds might have special risks (such as the ability to defer withdrawals) and you should make yourself aware of these. All funds have the right to suspend dealings in extreme circumstances. 

This is not personalised advice: Information shown here and on the wider website should not be taken as personalised advice or a recommendation to make an investment decision.  No liability is assumed for any use, or misuse, of the information presented on this website, whether by FundExpert or Dennehy Wealth.